Click for a compressed tarfile of my apocrypha to the International Obfuscated C Code Contest, get the actual entries at the official IOCCC web page, look at some odd signature programs, or look up computer jargon in the Jargon file.
Here are my Magic: the Gathering Infinite Combos (or the plaintext version), see my Favorite decks, get my MTG card want list, or my have to trade list, go to Wizards of the Coast's official Magic page or the excellent mox.perl page.
main( M,e,r,l,y,n )char**e;{for(l=atoi(e[1])/10*80-atoi(e[2])/5-836;r="\ @Q@t@ L,e,R,o,y NKACLCCGZAAQBEAADAFaISADJABBA^SNLGAQABDAXIMBAACTBATAH\ DBANZ ----------- cEMMCCCCAAhEIJFAEAAABAfHJETBdFLDAANEfDNBPHdBcBBBEA_Ax" [M++-3];)for(;r-->64;)putchar(!l+++33^M&1);}/*Run w/lat & long as arguments*/